Cassville Historical Society

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Cassville Museum History of Cassville Old Cassville Cemetery
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Events Pictures Cass Railroad Station

Confederate Battle Flags on Confederate Graves from Paul Quillen on Vimeo.

The only remaining pre-Civil War Cassville home:

The Old Cassville Confederate Cemetery:

The Old Cassville Post Office. Formerly the Cassville Museum:

The St. Andrews Cross. In the Civil War, it was known as the Confederate Battle Flag:
The Saint Andrews Cross - The Confederate Battle Flag
Cassville Historical Society, Inc.

Dedicated to preserving our proud Confederate States of America history and Cassville's history.

Dale Black, President
Josh Cochran, Vice President
Arlene Whybark, Secretary
Joel Kimsey, Treasurer

Background music "Dixie" was composed by the poet Daniel Decatur Emmettd by the poet Daniel Decatur Emmett
Born (1815) & died (1904) in Mt. Vernon, Ohio
"Dixie" was first performed in a minstrel show in New York City on April 4, 1859

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